• Release date Mar 2024
  • This asic was recently released!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after more asics are delivered to users.
  • Manufacturer page DG1
  • Scrypt 11.00 Gh/s @ 3420W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.000000 5.412006 0.000012 $0.77 $0.34 $0.43
Day 0.000000 129.888142 0.000293 $18.48 $8.21 $10.27
Week 0.000000 909.216996 0.002052 $129.34 $57.46 $71.88
Month 0.000000 3,896.644268 0.008796 $554.30 $246.24 $308.06
Last Hour 0.000000 4.224285 0.000010 $0.60 $0.34 $0.26
Last Day 0.000000 129.888142 0.000293 $18.48 $8.21 $10.27
Last 3 Days 0.000000 399.402175 0.000902 $56.81 $24.62 $32.19
Last Week 0.000000 933.980651 0.002108 $132.86 $57.46 $75.40
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Mexc 225.7292 sat 189.65 BTC 230.2301 sat 232.0564 sat 235.4479 sat
Binance 225.0000 sat 100.43 BTC 229.7185 sat 231.5511 sat 234.9511 sat
Gate.io 225.5000 sat 1.47 BTC 230.0888 sat 231.9056 sat 235.2978 sat
Exmo 225.0000 sat 1.07 BTC 229.8739 sat 231.3686 sat 234.6989 sat
XeggeX 225.2373 sat 0.81 BTC 229.8733 sat 231.6860 sat 234.9880 sat
Poloniex 225.3000 sat 0.41 BTC 229.5461 sat 231.2116 sat 234.5560 sat
TradeOgre 223.0000 sat 0.06 BTC 229.0504 sat 230.5765 sat 235.0276 sat
Graviex 225.4000 sat 0.01 BTC 229.2453 sat 231.1429 sat 234.5276 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
Zergpool Scrypt EU 0.50% 106.13 Gh/s Multi-coin pool 0
zpool Scrypt EU, US 1.00% 320.98 Gh/s Multi-coin pool 131
CoinMinerz EU, US, ASIA 1.00% 0.00 h/s 0.0% 5
PowerPool Scrypt EU, US, ASIA 1.00% 10.86 Th/s Multi-coin pool 2359
Prohashing Scrypt US, EU 1.99% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0