• Release date Feb 2025
  • This ASIC is not yet available!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after the miner is released.
  • Manufacturer page Antminer S21+
  • SHA-256 216.00 Th/s @ 3564W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.000000 1.033556 0.000005 $0.51 $0.36 $0.15
Day 0.000000 24.805348 0.000122 $12.26 $8.55 $3.71
Week 0.000000 173.637434 0.000854 $85.83 $59.88 $25.95
Month 0.000000 744.160432 0.003660 $367.84 $256.61 $111.23
Last Hour 0.000000 1.077764 0.000005 $0.53 $0.36 $0.18
Last Day 0.000000 24.550505 0.000121 $12.14 $8.55 $3.58
Last 3 Days 0.000000 74.259257 0.000365 $36.71 $25.66 $11.05
Last Week 0.000000 179.042753 0.000881 $88.50 $59.88 $28.63
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Mexc 491.7983 sat 1.33 BTC 498.9335 sat 511.9208 sat 490.5438 sat
XeggeX 487.5201 sat 0.00 BTC 497.6801 sat 508.0697 sat 485.8189 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
Zergpool SHA-256 EU 0.50% 576.97 Th/s Multi-coin pool 5
zpool SHA-256 EU, US 1.00% 639.08 Th/s Multi-coin pool 10
Bowserlab SHA-256 1.00% 1.07 Th/s Multi-coin pool 2
Mining-Dutch EU 2.00% 7.52 Ph/s 79.8% 83