• Release date Mar 2025
  • This ASIC is not yet available!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after the miner is released.
  • Manufacturer page DG Hydro 1
  • Scrypt 20.00 Gh/s @ 6200W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.000000 0.001895 0.000002 $0.23 $0.62 -$0.39
Day 0.000000 0.045490 0.000054 $5.46 $14.88 -$9.42
Week 0.000000 0.318431 0.000381 $38.19 $104.16 -$65.97
Month 0.000000 1.364703 0.001631 $163.68 $446.40 -$282.72
Last Hour 0.000000 0.001895 0.000002 $0.23 $0.62 -$0.39
Last Day 0.000000 0.045490 0.000054 $5.46 $14.88 -$9.42
Last 3 Days 0.000000 0.137175 0.000164 $16.45 $44.64 -$28.19
Last Week 0.000000 0.332826 0.000398 $39.92 $104.16 -$64.24
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Mexc 0.00119533 349.80 BTC 0.00117831 0.00116316 0.00127063
Binance 0.00119500 68.88 BTC 0.00117804 0.00116283 0.00127035
Bitfinex 0.00119540 3.48 BTC 0.00117793 0.00116262 0.00126998
Exmo 0.00118205 0.89 BTC 0.00117305 0.00115911 0.00126718
XeggeX 0.00119878 0.77 BTC 0.00117901 0.00116374 0.00127171
TradeOgre 0.00118933 0.32 BTC 0.00117255 0.00115903 0.00126451
Gate.io 0.00119500 0.29 BTC 0.00117742 0.00116207 0.00126956
Poloniex 0.00119200 0.19 BTC 0.00117040 0.00115587 0.00126318
HitBTC 0.00119440 0.09 BTC 0.00117747 0.00116222 0.00126968
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
1pool US, EU, Asia 0.33% 62.71 Gh/s 0.0% 11
Zergpool Scrypt + EU 0.50% 1.44 Gh/s Multi-coin pool 5
Ukrpool + EU, CN, US 1.00% 2.98 Th/s 0.2% 1442
Bowserlab Scrypt 1.00% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
zpool Scrypt + EU, US 1.00% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
PowerPool Scrypt + EU, US, ASIA 1.00% 13.20 Th/s Multi-coin pool 2432
Prohashing Scrypt US, EU 1.99% 824.72 Gh/s Multi-coin pool 785
Viabtc + CN 2.00% 453.95 Th/s 29.8%
Mining-Dutch + EU 2.00% 10.48 Th/s 0.7% 7429
Poolin + CN 3.00% 0.00 h/s 0.0% 14864
Kryptex + EU 3.00% 965.76 Gh/s 0.1% 22
DxPool + CN 3.00% 5.65 Th/s 0.4% 2236