• Release date Apr 2024
  • This ASIC is not yet available!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after the miner is released.
  • Manufacturer page KS5L
  • kHeavyHash 12.00 Th/s @ 3400W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 1.099585 20.892114 0.000037 $2.36 $0.34 $2.02
Day 26.390038 501.410724 0.000898 $56.59 $8.16 $48.43
Week 184.730267 3,509.875070 0.006286 $396.16 $57.12 $339.04
Month 791.701144 15,042.321729 0.026942 $1,697.83 $244.80 $1,453.03
Last Hour 1.078552 20.492486 0.000037 $2.31 $0.34 $1.97
Last Day 26.390038 501.410724 0.000898 $56.59 $8.16 $48.43
Last 3 Days 78.742699 1,496.111283 0.002680 $168.87 $24.48 $144.39
Last Week 183.224054 3,481.257029 0.006235 $392.93 $57.12 $335.81
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Gate.io 179.1076 sat 311.08 BTC 182.6428 sat 180.4383 sat 185.6951 sat
Mexc 178.7029 sat 88.94 BTC 182.5786 sat 180.3786 sat 185.6329 sat
CoinEx 178.9584 sat 4.78 BTC 182.7345 sat 180.4676 sat 185.6516 sat
XeggeX 177.8397 sat 0.32 BTC 182.0455 sat 179.9663 sat 185.1460 sat
TradeOgre 153.9243 sat 0.00 BTC 154.3611 sat 153.3923 sat 146.9041 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
p1pool EU, US, ASIA 0.40% 5.89 Th/s 0.0% 8
K1Pool US, EU, Asia 0.50% 13.42 Ph/s 5.7% 3099
HumPool EU, US, ASIA 0.75% 33.17 Ph/s 14.0% 5310
WoolyPooly USA, EU 0.90% 822.20 Th/s 0.3% 1260
HeroMiners EU, US, Asia 0.90% 3.91 Ph/s 1.7% 2066
Kryptex EU 1.00% 1.21 Ph/s 0.5% 369
Nanopool EU, US, Asia 1.00% 90.32 Th/s 0.0% 112
Viabtc CN 2.00% 13.06 Ph/s 5.5%