• Release date Sep 2023
  • This is one of the first miners released for Kaspa. Profits will drop significantly when the first wave of miners goes online.
  • Manufacturer page KS2
  • kHeavyHash 2.00 Th/s @ 1200W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.182199 3.461780 0.000006 $0.40 $0.12 $0.28
Day 4.372775 83.082717 0.000151 $9.62 $2.88 $6.74
Week 30.609422 581.579016 0.001059 $67.34 $20.16 $47.18
Month 131.183237 2,492.481499 0.004539 $288.60 $86.40 $202.20
Last Hour 0.183496 3.486419 0.000006 $0.40 $0.12 $0.28
Last Day 4.372775 83.082717 0.000151 $9.62 $2.88 $6.74
Last 3 Days 13.113637 249.159102 0.000454 $28.85 $8.64 $20.21
Last Week 30.559217 580.625114 0.001057 $67.23 $20.16 $47.07
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Gate.io 182.1093 sat 371.56 BTC 174.9121 sat 181.2152 sat 185.3076 sat
Mexc 181.9725 sat 92.64 BTC 174.8719 sat 181.1471 sat 185.2450 sat
CoinEx 181.4299 sat 3.48 BTC 174.9609 sat 181.2025 sat 185.2321 sat
XeggeX 180.9187 sat 0.56 BTC 174.5290 sat 180.8243 sat 184.7473 sat
TradeOgre 152.5572 sat 0.02 BTC 152.6408 sat 152.1447 sat 144.2242 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
p1pool EU, US, ASIA 0.40% 1.10 Th/s 0.0% 7
K1Pool US, EU, Asia 0.50% 13.47 Ph/s 5.8% 3168
HumPool EU, US, ASIA 0.75% 33.08 Ph/s 14.4% 5285
WoolyPooly USA, EU 0.90% 817.42 Th/s 0.4% 1262
HeroMiners EU, US, Asia 0.90% 3.85 Ph/s 1.7% 2087
Kryptex EU 1.00% 1.42 Ph/s 0.6% 358
Nanopool EU, US, Asia 1.00% 85.50 Th/s 0.0% 13
Viabtc CN 2.00% 12.86 Ph/s 5.6%