• Release date Sep 2023
  • This is one of the first miners released for Kaspa. Profits will drop significantly when the first wave of miners goes online.
  • Manufacturer page KS3L
  • kHeavyHash 5.00 Th/s @ 3200W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.455434 8.653249 0.000015 $0.97 $0.32 $0.65
Day 10.930420 207.677980 0.000364 $23.25 $7.68 $15.57
Week 76.512940 1,453.745860 0.002546 $162.75 $53.76 $108.99
Month 327.912600 6,230.339399 0.010910 $697.49 $230.40 $467.09
Last Hour 0.450016 8.550313 0.000015 $0.96 $0.32 $0.64
Last Day 10.930420 207.677980 0.000364 $23.25 $7.68 $15.57
Last 3 Days 32.766284 622.559388 0.001090 $69.70 $23.04 $46.66
Last Week 76.468768 1,452.906590 0.002544 $162.65 $53.76 $108.89
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Gate.io 175.1134 sat 364.27 BTC 175.2310 sat 182.0282 sat 185.5025 sat
Mexc 175.1556 sat 97.88 BTC 175.1775 sat 181.9567 sat 185.4384 sat
CoinEx 174.8788 sat 4.16 BTC 175.3379 sat 182.0208 sat 185.4345 sat
XeggeX 174.9038 sat 0.59 BTC 174.9175 sat 181.6607 sat 184.9134 sat
TradeOgre 151.7285 sat 0.02 BTC 153.1167 sat 152.1371 sat 143.6443 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
p1pool EU, US, ASIA 0.40% 1.44 Th/s 0.0% 6
K1Pool US, EU, Asia 0.50% 13.18 Ph/s 5.7% 3157
HumPool EU, US, ASIA 0.75% 32.04 Ph/s 13.9% 5316
WoolyPooly USA, EU 0.90% 819.47 Th/s 0.4% 1263
HeroMiners EU, US, Asia 0.90% 3.85 Ph/s 1.7% 2086
Kryptex EU 1.00% 844.04 Th/s 0.4% 352
Nanopool EU, US, Asia 1.00% 85.52 Th/s 0.0% 14
Viabtc CN 2.00% 12.84 Ph/s 5.6%