• Release date Oct 2024
  • This asic was recently released!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after more asics are delivered to users.
  • Manufacturer page Avalon 1566
  • SHA-256 185.00 Th/s @ 3420W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.000000 0.000005 0.000005 $0.48 $0.34 $0.14
Day 0.000000 0.000114 0.000114 $11.61 $8.21 $3.40
Week 0.000000 0.000798 0.000798 $81.24 $57.46 $23.79
Month 0.000000 0.003420 0.003420 $348.19 $246.24 $101.95
Last Hour 0.000000 0.000005 0.000005 $0.48 $0.34 $0.14
Last Day 0.000000 0.000115 0.000115 $11.67 $8.21 $3.46
Last 3 Days 0.000000 0.000346 0.000346 $35.21 $24.62 $10.58
Last Week 0.000000 0.000811 0.000811 $82.54 $57.46 $25.09
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Binance $101,806.65 13,845.99 BTC $101,535.30 $101,030.84 $99,624.93
Bitfinex $101,800.00 495.20 BTC $101,461.97 $100,986.07 $99,648.39
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
Hiveon 0.00% 171.52 Ph/s 0.0%
1pool US, EU, Asia 0.33% 11.34 Ph/s 0.0% 21
Ukrpool EU, CN, US 1.00% 1,453.74 Ph/s 0.2% 14447
zpool SHA-256 EU, US 1.00% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
Bowserlab SHA-256 1.00% 213.92 Gh/s Multi-coin pool 1
Prohashing SHA-256 US, EU 1.99% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
Mining-Dutch EU 2.00% 16.39 Ph/s 0.0% 252
Viabtc CN 2.00% 113,548.29 Ph/s 14.0%
Poolin CN 3.00% 0.00 h/s 0.0% 86483
Kryptex EU 3.00% 94.56 Ph/s 0.0% 133