• Release date Jul 2024
  • This ASIC is not yet available!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after the miner is released.
  • Manufacturer page Antminer S21 Pro
  • SHA-256 234.00 Th/s @ 3510W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.000000 0.000008 0.000008 $0.52 $0.35 $0.17
Day 0.000000 0.000183 0.000183 $12.40 $8.42 $3.97
Week 0.000000 0.001282 0.001282 $86.79 $58.97 $27.82
Month 0.000000 0.005495 0.005495 $371.96 $252.72 $119.24
Last Hour 0.000000 0.000008 0.000008 $0.52 $0.35 $0.17
Last Day 0.000000 0.000183 0.000183 $12.39 $8.42 $3.97
Last 3 Days 0.000000 0.000550 0.000550 $37.26 $25.27 $11.99
Last Week 0.000000 0.001283 0.001283 $86.86 $58.97 $27.90
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Binance $67,696.00 22,750.58 BTC $67,436.08 $66,065.93 $66,602.76
Bitfinex $67,827.00 652.16 BTC $67,555.27 $66,181.46 $66,717.74
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
Hiveon 0.00% 0.00 h/s 0.0%
Ukrpool EU, CN, US 1.00% 1,310.54 Ph/s 0.2% 12059
zpool SHA-256 EU, US 1.00% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
Bowserlab SHA-256 1.00% 3.30 Th/s Multi-coin pool 2
Prohashing SHA-256 US, EU 1.99% 0.00 h/s Multi-coin pool 0
Mining-Dutch EU 2.00% 18.76 Ph/s 0.0% 245
Viabtc CN 2.00% 83,936.71 Ph/s 13.2%
Poolin CN 3.00% 0.00 h/s 0.0% 84131
Kryptex EU 3.00% 19.51 Ph/s 0.0% 41
BTC.com US, EU, Asia 4.00% 10,220.00 Ph/s 1.6% 2870