DragonBall Miner A11 Radiant

  • Release date Sep 2024
  • This asic was recently released!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after more asics are delivered to users.
  • Manufacturer page A11 Radiant
  • SHA512256d 3.20 Th/s @ 2300W
  • Blake3 1.20 Th/s @ 2300W

Revenue history for A11 Radiant

Date Top Coin Rewards Revenue BTC Revenue $
2024-09-19 RXD 28,754.097958 0.000718 $45.83
2024-09-18 RXD 31,689.218318 0.000830 $51.12
2024-09-17 RXD 34,662.313869 0.000919 $55.40
2024-09-16 RXD 39,313.967365 0.001076 $62.31
2024-09-15 RXD 47,016.114776 0.001272 $75.31
2024-09-14 RXD 58,164.571445 0.001569 $94.12
2024-09-13 RXD 64,453.269254 0.001696 $98.58
2024-09-12 RXD 70,828.195650 0.001899 $109.64
2024-09-11 RXD 76,985.563730 0.002072 $119.08
2024-09-10 RXD 82,359.824514 0.002223 $126.46
2024-09-09 RXD 86,985.890368 0.002061 $118.69